Some of my academic works
Here, you can find my Master’s Degree Thesis, posters and slides that I presented in Schools, Conferences and lectures.
Quasinormal modes and stability of a minimal wormhole [in Portuguese]
This is my Master’s Thesis and was defended in 2019 at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP).
Quasinormal modes and stability of a minimal traversable wormhole
This poster was presented in 2019 at the XX Summer Conference Jorge Andre Swieca of Particles and Fields.
Black holes: from the first studies to the image of M87 [in Portuguese]
This lecture was presented in 2019 at the School of Technology (UNICAMP) for undergraduate engineering students.
Introduction to Black Hole Information Paradox
This poster was presented in 2016 at the XXIV Undergraduate Research Conference (UNICAMP).
University and Research [in Portuguese]
This lecture was presented in 2016 at the Public School Professor João Camargo for High School students. The main goal was to discuss all the aspects of being researcher and undergraduate student in Brazil.
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